Atlans MU
Season 19 P2-3
- Server Experience Rates x1.
- Long-Terms Server.
- Original Mu Online Spots.
- No Resets.
- Good Chaos Machine Success Rates.
- Good Soul/Life Jewel Success Rates.
- Good Wings Creation Success Rates.
- Totally Play to Win.
- No Webshop. Only Gold Server Access with x2 Exp.
- Gold Server exists only to pay for hosting and licensing fees.
- 10 Goblin Points every 10 minutes.
- Buy EXP Boosts with Goblin Points totally free!
- You can purchase Gold Server Access with Goblin Points.
- Ruud farming by Custom Invasions.
- Ancient Items drop by events: BloodCastle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle.
- At start you can create 3 first classes: DK,DW,ELF.
- All NEW Characters Classes Unlocks at Level 300. (to avoid farm-exploits with new characters)
- 5 Accounts Online / 5 Accounts with OFFLEVEL per IP (MAX 10 at the same time).